The Martialist: A Publication of

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“Stay ‘unreasonable.’  If you
don’t like the solutions [available to you], come up with your
Dan Webre

The Martialist does not
constitute legal advice.  It is for ENTERTAINMENT

Copyright © 2003-2004 Phil Elmore, all rights


The Martialist

continues its third year with this eleventh issue.  It’s hard to
believe it’s nearly Year Four already.  We’ve got a big new
batch of informative, entertaining material on deck – as always – for
free once we complete it, while our subscriber issues continue to go out. 
This issue’s free content contains two previews of the subscriber content,
in fact.

This publication has become widely known in
the three years it has been operating.  We’ve built an impressive body of work
and continue to innovate. Respected manufacturers in the self-defense and tools industries
recognize us as an influential and informative venue through which they
can reach a broad audience. Subscribers send e-mail regularly thanking us
for the content that appears on these pages. None of this would have been
possible without our contributors and without our readers. You have made
this magazine – your magazine – something truly special. I cannot thank
you enough for that.

One of the things that has surprised me, as The
has risen to prominence, is just how incredibly angry some
people get about it.  While I wouldn’t say I’ve made enemies (because
I simply don’t know my critics well enough to call them enemies), I’ve
certainly upset a lot of brittle, insecure, or foolish people in the
martial arts and self-defense community.  Given the character and the
opinions of these people, we must be doing something right.  If a man
can be judged by the quality of his enemies, I’m comfortable with whatever
conclusions you draw in reading commentary about me and this ‘zine.

If you haven’t already done so, I strongly encourage you
to register and participate in
the official discussion forum of The Martialist
Pax Baculum, a play on words that
loosely means “peace through force.”

Once again I encourage anyone considering writing for us
to go ahead and submit their work.  We’ll seriously consider
anything that is sent here, so if you’re throwing around an article idea,
please do feel free to send it along.  If we can’t use it, we won’t,
but we like to look at everything.

Don’t forget that half of the magazine
is available for free, right here, every month. 
Just so you can
catch up, if you haven’t read the free content for our issues so far this
year, here are links to them:

Issue 3.11
Issue 2.11  ♠
Issue 2.12  ♠  Issue

Issue 2.10  ♠
Issue 2.09  ♠ Issue

Issue 2.07  ♠ 
Issue 2.05-2.06  ♠ 
Issue 2.04  
Issue 2.03  ♠ 
Issue 2.02  ♠ 
Issue 2.01  

YEAR ONE 2004  ♠ 
March 2004

Jan-Feb 2004  ♠  December 2003  ♠ 
November 2003
October 2003  ♠ 


In the column to the right you’ll see a link to this
month’s free content repeated.  Below that is the listing of this
issue’s subscriber content.  Each issue contains such a list –
so you can see what you’re missing.  We hope that if you like what
you see for free online, you’ll be intrigued by the topics covered in our
subscriber mailing.  To subscribe and receive these articles each
month via e-mail, click here.

Our goal at The Martialist is to
provide you with quality information, education, and entertainment – material that will help you make choices about realistic self-defense.
You may not like everything you see, but that’s okay – because I don’t agree with everything I publish from others, either. 
(We encourage you to submit your own articles from different perspectives,
too.)  As you will read many times in perusing our articles, the choice is yours

Make it wisely.

Click here For the free content

This issue’s subscriber content:

Second Choices in Self-Defense
By Phil Elmore

On the Word “Warrior” (Again)
By EJ Thomas

Self-Defense in Context and within Constraints
By Phil Elmore
Read it>>

Brinkmann MaxFire LX
Review by Francis Rook

Creation vs. Criticism
By Phil Elmore

Range Report: Phoenix Arms HP-22
By Phil Elmore
Read it>>

The Nunchaku: Misunderstood?
By Phil Elmore

Call to Arms: Why I Hate Frank
By Chris Zaccara

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