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Bill Underwood’s Defendo

Special Forces Unarmed
Combat System, Reborn in Toronto

By Robbie Cressman

decades, the name “Bill Underwood” seemed to disappear. 
The 5 foot tall, slightly chubby, balding creator of “Combato” and
“Defendo” passed away just north of Toronto in a nursing home at 90 years
of age on 8 February, 1986.  What
many forget is that well into his mid 80s he was still traveling around the
world giving demonstrations and instruction to the elite in the genius of the
hand-to-hand combat system that he created. 
It was nothing for him at that age to topple 6’10, thundering
paratroopers, subdue well-known “mountain man” celebrities like Lou
(The Incredible Hulk) on national television, or quietly
slip away to “hush-hush” locations to give training to well established
security teams, law enforcement personnel, and intelligence agents.  

Lou Ferrigno (left),
presumably prior to toppling.

Underwood walked the “red carpet” after a short film was made on him
entitled Don’t Mess With Bill,
which was nominated for an Oscar at the 53rd
Academy Awards. 
Until the day
of his passing he had a blank cheque in his pocket and a challenge left unmet. 
The former trainer of secret agents had openly offered this cheque over
many decades to anyone who could escape one of his holds if he put it on them.  MANY
tried, yet none succeeded.

Underwood makes a point.

Underwood applying a little

February of 1986 Defendo lay quiet… until now. 

Mike Mandel, [whom I believe to be] the only known original
instructor/trainer left in Underwood’s Defendo, approximately a year and a
half ago began to impart all of his knowledge and experience to longtime
friend Robbie Cressman.  The
months since then have been a rocket ride. 
Mandel and Cressman are currently being featured in the July edition of
Martial Arts Illustrated, are days
away from the opening of The Toronto
School of Defendo
, and will shortly be featured in a variety of other
publications and television shows.  The
duo are preparing for a demonstration and instruction tour in the U.K. slated
for November 2003 with well known U.K. martial artist Clive Elliott.

Mike Mandel (left) and Robbie Cressman.

recently had the chance to discuss Defendo with Robbie Cressman,
Vice-President and Staff Instructor of Defendo

for those who are not familiar with Bill Underwood, can you explain a little
about his background — how he developed his system and came to be involved
with Special Forces?

my pleasure.  As a boy in
Liverpool, England, beginning in 1907, Bill Underwood was exposed to some
basic Jiu-Jitsu principles while he worked as a “cue boy” at the local
Vaudeville Theatre.  Jiu-Jitsu
masters Yukio Tani and Tara Maki were touring that particular circuit at the
time and they developed a brief relationship with him. 
Young Bill, (who had no previous “martial arts” experience) was
fascinated by their grappling skills and quickly picked-up some basic principles.  From there he developed his own system, which became very
different from standard Japanese Jiu-jitsu. 

developed his system, which he called “Combato,” through WWI and used it
numerous times to escape from life and death situations. 
Bill was actually captured and brought behind enemy lines during the
first German gas attack at Ypres in 1915. 
Combato was his ticket to a “short” stay and a number of German
soldiers died during his exit.  

WWII, North American Allied forces didn’t have an answer to the Japanese
wartime Judo that the boys were facing in the Pacific. 
Underwood stepped up and taught Combato to Canadian, American, and
British units of every sort and color.  
A Canadian citizen at the time, Bill was well received in the USA and
his first post there was with American Rangers. 
Soon after, he was commissioned by the Pentagon for classified work
with intelligence groups such as the F.B.I.

connection with the Pentagon was undoubtedly the introduction to one of his
most interesting credentials.  His
home base being in Toronto, he was commissioned to give unarmed combat
instruction at Allied “Secret Training School” #103,” otherwise known as
“Camp-X.”  How long he was
there is not known, but it was probably for only short periods of time, giving
crash courses in Combato.  The
fact that Underwood was living only an hour from the Camp and was already
involved in classified and Special Forces training makes it a pretty simple

those interested in learning more about the Camp I highly suggest that you
visit Lynn Philip Hodgson’s website,
. He is
the modern day authority on the subject and is now about to release his 4th
book.  Lynn has done incredible
work on the subject.)

1945 Underwood changed the name of his system to “Defendo.” At that
time Bill was getting bombarded with requests to train law enforcement groups
etc…  He decided to do a little
remodeling and removed the techniques that caused intentional permanent injury
or death to focus more on restraint and compliance. 
was born!  From
1945 to 1986 Bill taught Defendo all over the world. 
In North America he was very well-known in the 60’s and 70’s and
became a bit of a “media darling” in the 80’s while appearing multiple
times on many well known television shows like Johnny Carson. 

would you describe Defendo as combative system?

Bill Underwood developed his techniques as a close quarter fighting system for
the battlefield and then, as mentioned, modified it for more general
self-protection.  It is a
“Jiu-Jitsu” style grappling system but retains a combative feel through
the inclusion of military type strikes, pressure point applications etc…  

core of the system is the “Defendo Triad,” which is 5 grips, 4 leverages,
and 12 pressure points.  What sets
Defendo apart from many systems is that it’s a very well-packaged,
well-rounded system that teaches very effective, simple techniques that get
the job done… immediately.  

is not a martial art.  It’s not
about physical fitness, competition or sparring. 
It’s about the shutting down of physical conflict immediately.   The system is
not based on physical strength or athletic ability (although that always
helps) so anyone can learn it.  We
have one student right now who is 70 years old!  

has an excellent component of finger compliance techniques so we regularly see
smaller people taking down others twice their size and strength. 
Defendo was also designed to be learned very quickly. 
It is a fantastic option for those who wish to learn self-defense or
reality based fighting and yet don’t have 4 or 5 years to earn a black belt.  
At the same time, Defendo offers many highly effective twists and
tricks for seasoned martial artists.

Underwood taught Allied Forces in WWII, did he have any relationship with
Fairbairn, Sykes, or Applegate?

is no known record of Fairbairn and Underwood meeting. 
However, under the cloak of secret operations during those days, who
knows for sure?  The fact is that while Fairbairn and Sykes were instructing
in Europe, Underwood was doing the same here in North America. 
They were contemporaries.  I
think it is likely that Applegate and Underwood met because of the American
connection, but again, with both of them having left us, we will probably
never know. 

comparison between Fairbairn and Underwood is an interesting subject. 
Without question, Fairbairn was the most celebrated of the two. 
They developed their systems moving in opposite directions… 
Fairbairn started with “Defendu” while he worked for the SMP and
then moved to “Close Quarter Combat” after 1940. 
Underwood, as described earlier, went about things in the reverse. 
Fairbairn did not predate Underwood. In regards to the creating of
their own individual systems. Underwood was developing Combato from 1907
onward, while Fairbairn was studying other Eastern systems at that time and
didn’t coin “Defendu” until 1926. 

said you believe Mike Mandel to be “the only known original
instructor/trainer left in Underwood’s Defendo.”
  How did
your organization come to “inherit” Defendo?

reason that Defendo, in its pure form, as Bill Underwood originally taught it,
is with us today is completely due to Mike Mandel. 

have had a great deal to do with the research, preservation, and establishment
of where we are now, but Defendo would not be with us today if not for
Mike’s incredible memory of the system. 
He learned the system in the early 70s and then taught for Bill at his
school in Toronto, certifying students who traveled from all over the world.

whatever reason, Defendo essentially disappeared — yet this had absolutely
nothing to do with its effectiveness or practicality as a system. 
Defendo’s rich history and credentials attest to that. 
Underwood was simply a terrible self-promoter. 
The vast majority of those who studied and taught the system are older
now and not in action.  There are
many who remember Bill.  I get e-mails
every week from former students, soldiers, police officers etc… who have
come across us and are thrilled that someone is teaching Defendo and
preserving Bill’s legacy.  

fact that we have been blessed with the opportunity is incredible. 
After a solid year of research on the subject I have only come across
one other individual who is actually teaching [what I consider to be]
“Defendo” as part of his system professionally. 
Mike Griffin of
includes Defendo components with the law enforcement (Use of Force) and
mixed martial arts instruction he gives. 
He was a student of Bill’s in the late 70s, early 80s.  Mike is a great guy.  I
encourage you to visit his website.

all of the above we have essentially inherited the system and we do have a
very direct lineage through Mike Mandel and the fact that he was a paid
trainer for Bill Underwood.  We
also now own and operate under Bill’s original company name, “Defendo
International.”   Essentially,
we are Bill Underwood’s Defendo almost 20 years later.

your organization affiliated in some way with Bill Wolfe’s Modern

not at all, actually… 

have no issue with the Wolfe brothers (I have heard some good things about
their Vancouver Battleschool) or any other group for that matter. 
It’s important to us that people understand that our main objective
is to preserve the work of Bill Underwood. 
“Defendo” was always  Bill
and that’s how we want him remembered.

you give us an idea of what else is on your plate and how you plan to bring
Bill Underwood’s Defendo back to the public eye in the coming months?

are extremely busy.  The Toronto
School of Defendo opens this month. We are also being featured by Martial Arts Illustrated in the July edition. 
Regular Defendo classes have already been in progress north of Toronto
in the Barrie area.  We will
shortly be featured in Eye
Spy Magazine”
, the world’s top magazine on special operations and
intelligence groups.  We have a
long list of demonstrations and professional instruction sessions ahead of us
as well as features in other publications and even some future television
appearances.  We have already been
to the Camp-X Museum and The
Royal Military College
in Kingston, Ontario, which is directly connected
to the Canadian Armed Forces.  We
will be in the U.K. in November.  We
have a professional training video shoot scheduled for mid-July. 
This list goes on…

from training directly under us in the Toronto area, we will be offering a
distance learning program.  Students
will be able to study the techniques by video and come to Toronto to be
certified in the system.  There
will shortly also be a program for those who wish to learn the system and open
their own school in association with us in their community.  Anyone interested should contact:

Defendo International Ltd.

In Canada: (866) 817-3076

Outside Canada: (705) 456-4333

appreciate your time, Robbie, and wish you and Mike Mandel the best of luck in
your endeavors.

you!  We appreciate the

One thought on “The Martialist: The Magazine For Those Who Fight Unfairly

  1. Would like to know if Mr. Cressman teaches the civilian market, and if so how can I make contact?

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