Tradition Sings In Our Fists: The Romani Claw Boxing Challenge

From:       Kane Roseworth <>
To:             phil
Sent:         Tuesday, March 4, 2008 8:33:47 PM
Subject:  challenge

Tuesday, March 4, 2008 8:33:47

“Tradition sings in our fists.” – Master Erlije


I have heard from very far away of your expertise in the arts of self-defense and martial arts. A friend of mine gave me a copy of Flashlight Fighting, which I enjoyed reading. I have read extensively of your website and seen some of your postings in other places.

I have studied extensively in the secretive arts of glasvast and zhunovast, known together as Romani claw-boxing. CIaw-boxing is an absolutely “anything goes style”, similar to vale tudo. I am also proficient in the use of the double ended longsword, stiletto, foot-blade, and Glock. Over the years of training that I endured, I worked my way up to the maroon sash, which is the second highest level of skill attainable for an intermediate claw-fighter. I come from a long tradition of claw-fighters of Bola and Bielany, districts of Warsaw, who had to prove their skill every day, as well as through the turmoil of two world wars. Sadly, much of the tradition of claw-boxing was lost in the Holocaust. To this day, we say Na bister 500,000 (Remember the 500,000) before every training session. Today we are working hard in Europe and USA to recover what was taken from us.

Claw-fighting is real. The traditional station of the Roma as performers allowed them to visit various walks of life and learn from all peoples. As people traditionally mistrusted and hated, combat become a necessity. The first rule of this combat was ingenuity and ruthlessness. The second is artfulness. Thus, art may be deadly, and the instruments of art become instruments of fighting. A man distracted is a man defeated. This is not to say there is not combat application of such a fine musical instrument, but my own balalaika needs work—both in music and fighting! Moreover, I am well trained as an athlete of Romani tumbling, which I assure is one of the most demanding tumbling systems available. Some even argue it is the basis for the current fad of Parkour, which you can see all over the internet.

I admire your by philosophy (I also draw from Ayn Rand for my martial and personal insights), but we must prove ourselves through combat. Only the victor may prevail and perpetuate. I am proud to prove the worth of our tradition and art through any means necessary. That is why I respectfully challenge you to do honorable battle. This is our duty as philosopher-warriors.

If you are not afraid and fearful of me, I hope you accept. I have lots money for gas and travel so I can come fight you if you are too afraid of coming to me. I trust by your words and your philosophical work you are not a coward. I am eager to engage with you through the implements of reason, but first we must combat.

Because I challenge you, the terms of your battle are yours to dictate. I suggest that we use non-lethal weapon, but that is only a suggestion. The terms are yours. I am prepared to go “all the way”. Although I am serious fighter and martial artist, I am an honorable man. Zhan le Devlesa tai sastimasa. (Go with God and in Good Health)

Your Servant,
Kane Lautari

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