Learn to sling steel… fast.

Highly recommended synthetics.

Deceptively slim defense.

Purpose-built knives, still evolving.

Delta2Alpha TheDOMINO
Magic? Or Magnet?

No, Not The Big Screwdriver (The Little One)
Are you doing screwdrivers wrong?

Delta2Alpha Hoodrat Snap Wrap
Instant grip traction for any tool.

Guy Sines Tactical Mala
Defensive jewelry!
Other Stories
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- There is No Brotherhood in Training
- Reflex Protect OC Spray (CS Gel)
- The Problem of Internet Feuds
- Teaching Women Self-Defense Is Not “Victim-Blaming”
- M2A2 Gun Mats Review
- Is it Stupid to Train on a Body Opponent Bag (BOB)?
- Flat-head Screwdriver for Self-Defense?
- Is Reverse Grip Dangerous?
- Immersion Labs #1: Legacy of the Blade
- The Risks of NPE “Non-Detectible” Knives
- #KnifeCrime and the Cuckoldry of the British Empire
- ReSharp Robot Kiosk Automates Tedious Hand-Sharpening of Knives
- Has “Hobotactical” Gone Too Far?
- The Press Check is NOT a Bad Idea
- No, Scary Mommy, It is NOT Harder To Buy Household Products Than Guns