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- Ecos Knives Hamon-Lined Tanto
- Cold Steel Modification / Alteration: Meet Dirk
- Key Flailing For Self-Defense DOES NOT WORK
- Bram Frank LLC Elongated Bowie Fixed Blade
- The 007 Knife: Infamous 1970s Lockback
- One-Hand Knife Opening Tactics: Looking Back
- Old Knife, New Life: The Kudu As Fighting Knife
- The (Tactical) Fruit Knife Craze
- You Get What You Pay For
- Bob Humelbaugh and Survival Sheath Systems: Good, Better, Best
- Maxpedition Creates Patch Resembling Phil Elmore; Are Giant Dicks About It
- USGladius Desert Legion XII, Thraex XII Tactical Knives
- KA-BAR “Lake Effect” Ice Scraper
- Bram Frank LLC Gunting Bowies
- Delta2Alpha’s “TheMARK” Gear Hanger/Impact Tool
- Another Look at the H2Sierra Folder
- ROTH Tactics E-Ring Self-Defense Tool
- Wave eBike: A New Bugout Option?
- ASL Tactical/Chisholm’s Trail ASL 5
- Delta2Alpha H2Sierra Folding Knife